Things You Should Not Do after a Botox Treatment

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Some call Botox “the fountain of youth.” And this really is no surprise as this popular nonsurgical facial injection temporarily provides us with a youthful, glowing appearance.

This safe and effective neurotoxin is generated by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and works by blocking facial nerve impulses.

The result — relaxation of muscles that cause facial aging. A Botox injection session is also known as a  “lunch hour” treatment and although typically requires no downtime, many clients often ask what precautions should be taken to get the best results.

Don’t Rub Your Face after the Treatment?

After a Botox treatment, your face will feel stretched. Even so, avoid touching your face for at least four hours of the treatment. Otherwise, the skin might be exposed to irritations and even cause redness around the injected area.

Nurturing and cleaning your face is a must in the reverse aging rulebook. However, after a Botox treatment, you should avoid washing your face with water or cleaning products. Take note to also avoid applying makeup or other beauty creams. In the first four hours after the treatment, patients are advised to minimize using any facial products as the Botox settles in the muscles.

Don’t Fall Asleep Right after the Appointment

Even if you feel tired, try to stay awake and not lie down for at least four hours of the treatment. Lying down might redirect the Botox from the intended area as we tend to move the face even when we nap. This will cause the Botox to settle in your napping position, which is not something you want to happen. By going to sleep, you’re also risking rubbing your face against the pillow.

This can irritate the skin, cause redness, or even swelling. After the Botox procedure, always change the bedsheets. Your face is still prone to infections, and you don’t want any redness or swelling to occur.

Please note that even after the initial four hours have passed, you should sleep on your back and avoid any contact between your face and pillow.

Don’t Exercise the Same Day of the Treatment

After getting a Botox treatment, avoid doing any strenuous activity or workouts for at least 24 hours. Exercise increases blood flow through muscles resulting in rapid metabolism of the neurotoxin, wearing off of Botox earlier than intended and altering the skin tightening results of Botox. Working out also puts at risk for the Botox injections to incorrectly settle into place.

Additionally, exercising temporarily raises a person’s blood pressure which can increase swelling and bruising in areas that have been recently injected. Avoiding exercise is generally advised for 24 hours however, it is often recommended to wait a full week before resuming a workout routine.

Don’t Drink Alcohol Following a Botox Treatment

Botox and alcohol are the most undesirable combination. Patients are advised to skip drinking alcohol for at least a day following a Botox session. This is because alcohol thins the blood and boosts the risk of bleeding or bruising in the injected area. This especially applies to patients doing Botox for the first time.

As alcohol widens the blood vessels, consuming it may lead to unwanted swelling, bruising, migration of Botox and more serious issues. Therefore, patients ought to avoid drinking alcohol altogether for at least the first 24 hours after Botox injections.

Have a hard time remembering the above? Print this:
after botox tips

A Final Word

Though Botox treatments are not related to any patient downtime, clients should follow all given guidelines to ensure maximum safety and optimal results.

All precautionary measures are provided during your one-on-one consultation with our aesthetic expert at Line Eraser MD and apply to all patients receiving the treatment.

Please contact our Livingston NJ based office today or call 973-567-4490 to learn more about whether Botox treatments or a combination of Botox injections with Dermal Fillers.

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