Vampire Facials: What to Do Before and After the Procedure?

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Vampire facials started attracting great attention ever since Kim Kardashian posted a dramatic selfie of her bloody face – and for good reason. Declared the Fountain of Youth, this skin rejuvenation treatment uses small samples of your blood to separate the plasma and inject it into the skin using microneedles, thus triggering the body to produce more collagen. The end results? A firmer, radiant, and more elastic skin! However, as with all cosmetic treatments, vampire facials, too, require following a few guidelines for your best results. Below, let’s get into everything you wanted to know about vampire facial procedures.

Stay Hydrated

Since dehydration might impose a problem on the blood drawing procedure, it is recommended for a patient to drink plenty of water the night before. Think of it this way – our veins hold most of the bodily fluids, and when those fluids lack water, it will be difficult for the aesthetician to access the areas and extract the blood plasma growth factors.

Make-Up Free

Before the treatment, keep the treated area make-up free. The morning before the procedure, wash your face as you usually do, but leave everything else in the aesthetician’s hands.

Avoid Alcohol

At Line Eraser MD, we advise our patients to refrain from consuming alcohol at least a day before the treatment. In detail, this can lessen the platelet activation, thus affecting stem cells’ function, in charge of healing the area. Developing a nutrition plan rich in collagen-boosting foods might encourage your healing process.

Avoid Blood Thinners

Although the procedure is perfectly suitable for almost anyone, patients are to avoid any blood thinners like Advil, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Omega-3s- at least a few days before undergoing a vampire facial. Like excessive drinking, there is a chance that blood thinners might have a negative effect on platelet-rich plasma and reduce its growth factor.

A Clean Environment is a Must

Following a vampire facial, your skin should heal within a clean environment. During the first day, avoiding dusting and cleaning surfaces. Also, sweating is not recommended, so avoid the gym within the first 24 hours of the procedure. Use this time to relax and chill out.

Use Vaseline

An itchy sensation may occur within the first two days of the treatment. To ease these symptoms, we recommend you use Vaseline.

Back to Work

The combination of microneedling with platelet-rich plasma accelerates the process of healing, with the redness fading 24 hours after the treatment. This allows patients to resume their day-to-day activities and go back to work immediately, or a  day after the treatment.

Avoid Hot Places

Places like a sauna or hot showers are inadvisable at least three days following the platelet-rich plasma therapy. Also, keep away from the sun for the first 74 hours following the treatment. Using SPF in the following days is a must. Sunscreen should be implemented in your daily routine, not only before and after the treatment, as it protects the face of sunspots and premature aging.

Return to Regular Skin Routine

In just three to four days post the treatment, your skin will heal and you can go back to using makeup and exercising. If experiencing any discomforts or issues, feel free to book an appointment with your aesthetician.

One More Thing….

The before and after photos of platelet-rich plasma therapy say it all. The treatment results are far more impressive than those of many other facial treatments. Plus, the seven-day recovery period is totally worth it. Full-effect results are visible in a week post-treatment. In the meantime, be patient, and avoid stressful environments. For even greater results, you can follow up with additional treatments, repeated every three to six weeks. All in all, the third time’s a charm for the most radiant skin yet! Ready to learn more on vampire facials? Reach out to Line Eraser MD today and allow our professionals to determine what your skin needs to shine in its former glow!

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